Citadel University
University Portal Site for students to login and view information about the university and take notes for courses from the browser
- Customized Page Banners
- Custom Post Fields
- Implementing Registration and Login
- Google Maps API
- Note Taking and Social Functionality
University Portal Site for student to visit to learn more about the university, programs, events, and teachers as well as login to post notes and provide feedback
- Coded Wordpress theme and plugins, implementing university site features
- Implemented custom public registration and login page, search functionality and functional note taking user interface components.
- Developed custom site related post types plugin.
- Coded page templates, custom post fields, and post types
- Slide show carousel of featured events post types
- Students may login or sign up
- Ability to update, edit, and save notes for courses
- Students may provide feedback and post likes to professor pages
- Provided Program Information
- Campus post type listings utilizing Google Maps
- Mobile Navigation Menu
- Bootstrap