Tozai Sake
Single page site showcasing Tozai Sake Products
- Responsive full screen menu and fixed header
- Parallax: backgrounds and on scroll animations
- Contact and Subscription Forms
- Interactive Product User Interface
- Fixed header
- Google Maps API Distribution List
Client required front end single page site to provide information for their brewery, their line of Sake Products,and their distributor listings, and have users contact directly and/or joining their mailing list
- Implemented user specified features including funtionality and design of product menu user interface component.
- Created distribution listings for utilizing Google Maps API.
- Coded fixed header, parallax backgrounds, and on scroll animations.
- Backgrounds
- On Scroll Animations
- Full Screen Menu
- On Hover Effects
- Responsive Elements
- DOM Change on Click Events
- Hover Animations
- Form Validation
- Distributor Listings